Farmer finds Ice Age cave over 11,000 years old hidden under his field The cave is...
FROM THE 19TH TO MID-20TH century, huge asylums were constructed around the United States that acted as their...
A crumbling hospital from the 1850s on Roosevelt Island. FEW DISEASES HAVE HAD A greater impact on the...
There’s more to this 19th-century crime than the dark side of fairy lore. The cottage where Michael...
Today, we would like to share with you a both heartbreaking and inspiring story about Ruben, a...
Jason, an experienced pilot, was in the middle of a typical flight when his world was suddenly...
A photograph has gone viral on the internet. At first view, it appears to be a strange...
Shortly after my childhood dog passed away at 19 years of age, I wanted to get another...
Dan Anderson and his partner Sara have been restoring a historic mansion built in 1852. The last...