Pepsi was first invented in 1893 as “Brad’s Drink” by Caleb Bradham, who sold the drink at his drugstore in New Bern, North Carolina. It was renamed Pepsi-Cola in 1898, “Pepsi” because it was advertised to relieve dyspepsia (indigestion) and “Cola” referring to the cola flavor.
Interesting facts: In 1893 pharmacist Caleb Bradham invented the “Brad’s Drink”, a refreshing drink sold at soda fountains in his drugstore in New Bern, North Carolina. In 1898 he renamed it “Pepsi-Cola”; Cola is a term based on the African kola nut, and Pepsi comes from pepsin, an enzyme which aids in digestion and was also a popular ingredient in early soft drinks and chewing gum. In 1902, he launched the Pepsi-Cola Company in the back room of his pharmacy; the business began to grow, and on June 16, 1903, “Pepsi-Cola” became an official trademark. By 1904, the Pepsi-Cola Syrup sales reached almost 20,000 gallons. As demand for the drink continued to rise, Bradham decided it was time to offer Pepsi-Cola in bottles. By 1910 there were 240 franchises in 24 states and that year the Pepsi-Cola Company held their first Bottler Convention in New Bern. The outbreak of World War I changed the U.S. financial landscape, and the cost of doing business increased drastically. Sugar prices fluctuated wildly between record highs and disastrous lows, and so did the cost of producing Pepsi-Cola. In 1923, Pepsi-Cola was bankrupt. Caleb returned to his pharmacy and sold the valuable Pepsi-Cola trademark to Craven Holdings Corporation, the first of what would be several owners.